RIP Mr president

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RIP Mr president

Post by Hotrod »

Hi guys
for those that haven't heard the sad news that our club president Gerry Crossman passed away today , following a short illness.
Gerry has been one of the clubs most longstanding members and a driving force of this club over many years, proud of his club and a true clubman , holding many committe post over the years and very honered to be voted club president for the last 2 years.
He will be missed by myself as the voice of of experance, and for his detailed knowlage of "the rules " & club proccedures
his active part he played in the club politics , as well as he enjoyed the flying and banter at the field .
As I said a true clubman. RIP mate

Gerrys family have asked if someone would like to say some words on behalf of the club at the funeral , if anyone feels they could take on the task please let me know.
I will of course take it on myself as Chairman but there are many that have known Gerry much , much longer than I have.
It would be nice as attributed if anyone has any stories or words they would like to say on here please put them on this page.
Many thanks
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The Devils in the detail
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Re: RIP Mr president

Post by flynnt »

Sorry to hear about Gerry,s passing. To me he had been the conscience of the club for many years, and he always put
the best interest of the club first, before expressing his views to the membership.
He Never worried about upsetting individuals if it meant the club would progress in the direction he thought would be
best for all.
I have known Gerry since 1988, when I first became a member. He was a true clubman and I think it rather fitting
that he departed as Precident of the Club.
I for one will truly miss Gerry. Thinking back I always used to admire his persistence to start his beloved Diesel engines in the middle of winter as they were a bugger to start when it got cold.
A great friend and club member who will be truly missed by one and all.
RIP Gerry.
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Alan Guard
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Re: RIP Mr president

Post by Alan Guard »

So sorry to hear of Gerry's passing it was such a great shock and he will be missed by us all. My thoughts go to his family at this sad time. I have known Gerry for many years not only with the Flying Club but also sea angling, I remember him on boat trips out of Weston and also once on Clevedon pier where we dangled our worms together.
Always ready for a laugh but always ready for the serious stuff, so glad he eventually became our President.
RIP Gerry and thanks for everything.

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Re: RIP Mr president

Post by richwilliams »

Very sad news indeed. We knew it was coming but that don't make it any easier to accept we've lost a great guy.
I only knew Gerry for four or so years, but I always got on well with him and had many an interesting chat with him at the field. He'll be very missed by many people I'm sure. R.I.P. Gerry.

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Re: RIP Mr president

Post by Airworthyivan »

Hi all a message from Gerrys son
Hi Ivan - I'm not sure if you heard but gerry died on Monday. The funeral is at Weston crematorium on Friday 10 June at 2.15pm. I've tried to contact as many people that knew him as I could but if you know of anyone else who may be interested in attending it would be appreciated if you could pass the message on in case I haven't managed to track down their details. Many thanks
Steve Crossman
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colin coombes
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Re: RIP Mr president

Post by colin coombes »

It is so sad to hear of Gerry passing away. I've only known Gerry for a couple of years but found him to be a great guy. RIP Mr president.

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Re: RIP Mr president

Post by gordon.burch »

I was saddened to hear the news of Gerry’s passing.
I have only known Gerry for about 4years but in that short time I have always enjoyed his company, his straight forward approach to any club issues and his dry sense of humour.
A proper gent and President, we will all miss him.

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Extreme flyer
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Re: RIP Mr president

Post by Extreme flyer »

I was very sorry to hear the sad news of Gerry's passing. What a shock.
I have known him for many years and always enjoyed his company on the flying field and at meetings.
He was a good friend.
Gerry has been a long term member of the club and was well respected. He loved his flying and will
be sadly missed.
My sincere condolences to Gerry's wife and family at this sad time.

Mike B.
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