Canadair CL-415

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Canadair CL-415

Post by Ian »

For a while now I've been looking for a replacement for my well-used Cargo Twin which met its demise a couple of years ago. Finally I found this: ... -and-Video

A plan for the Canadair CL-415 water-bomber seaplane. It's of similar size, so the motors, radio gear and wiring can be used unchanged. Although the plan provides for use as a seaplane, my version will be land-based only, with wheels.

The first step was cutting out the parts from a sheet of Depron on the needle cutter.
Cutting under way
Fuselage parts
Fuselage started. The packing tape allows Depron to be highly curved without cracking.
Likewise, packing tape plus deep scoring on the inside allows Depron to be bent right back on itself, so each wing half is made from a single piece bent around the LE. Here the wing plus 8mm CF tube spar is ready to have servos and wiring fitted.
Lower tail (also bent from a single piece) being glued in.
Lower tail
Upper tail fin, horizontal stab and bullet fitted.
Upper tail
Wing-tip floats are CNC cut from blue foam with ply formers in the middle. They push into ply slots in the wing and are held in by magnets, as they need to be removable for transport and storage.
Engine nacelles in place. Originally these were as in the plan, but I then decided to cut the fronts off and make 3D-printed cowls which are slightly more scale-like.
Original nacelles
3D printed cowls
So this is the current state. Just the U/C to finish and then covering and painting. Unlike the Cargo Twin, which was uncovered Depron and suffered badly from dents & nicks, this will be covered with tissue and lightweight glass cloth, applied with Poly-C, which should provide some 'ding resistance'.
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Re: Canadair CL-415

Post by Ian »

A bit more progress
Covering with tissue and Poly-C
Painting starts. It's yellow. So far...
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Mike P
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Re: Canadair CL-415

Post by Mike P »

Nice piece Ian
It would be nice to see some more projects on this site.
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Re: Canadair CL-415

Post by Ian »

Now if only I had chance to fly it, should look good in this sunshine. Should be fairly easy to see at any time really...
Colours and markings are for the Sécurité Civile, the French civil defence organisation which does aerial fire-fighting among other things.
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Re: Canadair CL-415

Post by Ian »

...and of course just after posting, realised I'd forgotten to put the floats on... So here it is complete with wing-tip floats.
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Re: Canadair CL-415

Post by Andy »

Nice work Ian - clever stuff!
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