Next Club Model

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Next Club Model

Post by Plathall »

Hi Guys

We have been talking about a new club model and what we could build.

We have done Gremlins, The foam Bandit, Red Arrows, Fun fighters.

So now we have a couple of ideas and want your thoughts

A Delta for the need for speed bunch
A high wing floater

The Delta
We are proposing you build it out of Balsa on the lines of the Mini Velocity from Weston uk.
This is a build it yourself, semi own design with a helping hand from a set of tiled plans from the guys at Flight Test to get you started.


The Hilly B
This we can buy as a laser cut kit and float around the skies.
Maybe a bit of a modification to add ailerons could make it more interesting ??

So what do we think ??
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Mike P
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Re: Next Club Model

Post by Mike P »

About time we did another quick build the delta build looks as if it could end up like the hawks, all start with the same plan and end up with similar models, where as the hilly bee would make a good swarm. I am up for either as they both look like reasonably cheap and quick build.
anyone else up for it and which one
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Re: Next Club Model

Post by tremelling »

HI all

I would prefer the Hilly B as it suits my style flying!!!!!! but I will be up for both as long as I can fly the delta high and slow.
So put me down for both.
Dave t
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Re: Next Club Model

Post by jason »

On careful consideration, I want SPEED! Wing with West 36 !!

But actually both - I think the Hilly B might be more fun :)
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Re: Next Club Model

Post by Plathall »

Well I think you can guess what I fancy

Speed !

But a bumble of bees is fine too
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Re: Next Club Model

Post by Jamie »

Mirus . . . . but without a West 36 as I don't like gliders!
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Re: Next Club Model

Post by Jamie »

This could be a bit of fun, quick build, inexpensive, electric or IC. I have the plans and the build article.
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Re: Next Club Model

Post by tremelling »

Yes that super dart looks fun. Get a squadron of them up flying
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Re: Next Club Model

Post by tremelling »

Now that we have three options for a club build project maybe we should have a vote. Unless anyone can come up with any more options. My preferences are

1 Hilly B
2 Super dart
3 Delta.
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Mike P
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Re: Next Club Model

Post by Mike P »

I like the look of the super dart looks like a really quick build. But I also like the thought of a sheet wing scratch build delta
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