Wings that swing

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Wings that swing

Post by Ian »

A bit too wet & windy for me today (hands up those die-hards who went out anyway?), so made some progress on the Tornado.
3D printed nose cone & nozzles, canopy & turtledeck CNC cut from blue foam. LED afterburners in place. Wings & tail surfaces are all covered in tissue & Poly-C.

Next steps are completing the electrics, fitting & sanding the front fuselage then covering the fuselage.
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dancing alan
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Re: Wings that swing

Post by dancing alan »

Looking good Ian :D

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Mike P
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Re: Wings that swing

Post by Mike P »

Looks good what are you doing for controll sufaces, elevons?
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Re: Wings that swing

Post by Ian »

Yes, elevons / tailerons. With lots & lots of expo, as apparently there is quite a change in effectiveness between wings out and wings folded...
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Mike P
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Re: Wings that swing

Post by Mike P »

I'll get my throwing arm ready and better get Dave on the camera as it's bound to be interesting but it looks like we won't need to hurry. Might even get the Chilly finished first
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Re: Wings that swing

Post by Ian »

That sounds like a challenge 8-) Well then, since last time, fuselage shaping has been finished, radio & electrics finished, reheats installed & tested, drop tanks made (which, by a simple but clever mechanism stay pointing straight when the wings swing). Fuselage covering starts next, and then painting. Better get on with the Chilli methinks... ;)
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Ian h
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Re: Wings that swing

Post by Ian h »

Looking really good Ian.
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Re: Wings that swing

Post by Ian »

A bit more progress; swivelling drop-tanks fitted, base colour on, awaiting green camouflage and markings.
But... Having 3D-printed the nose-cone in black PLA, I went away for the weekend leaving it on the bench in full sunlight, with this result. New one now printed, another 5 hours on the printer!
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Mike P
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Re: Wings that swing

Post by Mike P »

Looks brilliant l hope I am there on the maIden
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Ian h
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Re: Wings that swing

Post by Ian h »

Looking good Ian
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