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Arthur Gilbert.

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 7:46 pm
by panicplane
Most of you will not have heard of Arthur Gilbert. I am sad to report that at then age of 94, Arthur passed away last Friday the 23rd. He was an early member of our Club when we were flying on the Air Field. In those days the most common type of aircraft was vintage and Arthur was an enthusiast having trimmed it to perfection such that when he had a fly away and it was returned to him after making a perfect landing on Sand Bay. Although he restricted his flying to indoor at Highbridge, he had visited and flown on our field a few times.
One of Arthur's other interest was Triathlons. He raised many thousand of pounds and in 2008 was awarded a MBE for his efforts. In 2011 he was named the world's oldest Triathlete and at the age of 92 he finally retired.
He was a true gentleman and will be missed by those who knew him.

Re: Arthur Gilbert.

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 12:37 pm
by flynnt
I remember Arthur Gilbert, both through work and Flying.
Last time I saw him we were both flying from the WIPL helipad on a Saturday afternoon.
He was still flying a Junior 60, and quite happy to float around the sky.

I had an Astro Hog at the time, and he kept telling me off, as he reckoned I was flying too high and Bristol Airport would complain that I was interfering with their flight paths. Arthur always knew best.