My new Quadcopter

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Rc Mike
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My new Quadcopter

Post by Rc Mike »

My new toy is home build Quadcopter size 250 with a kk2 controller board carbon frame, my first flight was tonight a little bit shaky and twitchy. Needs some fine tuning on the p gain or the control needs remounting properly.
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Re: My new Quadcopter

Post by tremelling »

Hi Mike

My son and I have also made a Quadcopter based on the KK2 board as well. It is quite large with 17.5 inch propellers, and it carries his Go Pro camera. Initially we had trouble flying it as the gains needed setting up. It would oscillate badly when the wind caught it. Now we have got it flying quite well with some quite good aerial video.

Dave T
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Rc Mike
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Re: My new Quadcopter

Post by Rc Mike »

Hi Dave
The best flight control board is a DJI naza for a video platform, the kk2 board is only enter level board.
On my quad it's not stable at all the quad wobbles at moment due to either bad controller mounts or faulty esc. You could adjust the p gain. If this doesn't work check out forums on the Internet.
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Re: My new Quadcopter

Post by tremelling »

Hi mike
Yes we have got ours to fly quite well now. We had to adjust the p gain. Quite low to get it to be stable in the wind. The camera is on a mount that has a servo on it to adjust the tilt angle. We have got some quite good video.
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