Depron Twin

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Depron Twin

Post by Ian »

I mentioned in the last newsletter that I'm building one of these. After being away over Xmas I finally got some time in the workshop and made a bit of progress. Fuselage, tail and now the wing are coming along. Next step is fitting the engine pods.
I'm using a hot-glue gun for things like the ribs as it's quick and easy but you only get a few seconds to position the bits.
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Re: Depron Twin

Post by Ian »

Finished! Well almost, a few cosmetic bits and some painting required, but ready to fly anyway.
Like most of my planes it's a bit over-engineered but I feel better that way.
Now waiting for some decent weather...
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Re: Depron Twin

Post by Ian »

A successful maiden and second flight today in fortunately light winds. Thanks to Dave Tremelling for photos, more in the Gallery.
All-up weight without any cargo is 2.5 lbs and power is just about right. It does loop and roll easily and leaves the ground rapidly, so the next step is to test the load capacity of what I will be referring to from now on as the Cargo Twin.

Here is a video of the second flight, thanks to Ivan. Try to concentrate on the plane and ignore the grumpy looking guy with the silly hat :roll:
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