Will it ever end?????

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Will it ever end?????

Post by richwilliams »

Moan time. :evil:
Last year we used to fly virtually every evening. Even if it was a windy evening, most nights by 7-8pm it would die down and you get a couple of hours in. Great times :D
This year I think we have had less than half a dozen nice summer evenings since the clocks shifted forward. Lost count of the nights I've sat there waiting for a break in the weather to have some decent flights. 8-9 o clock that sock is still out straight every bloody night. Wouldn't be so bad if it was clean wind, but it's gusty horrible rubbish. It's relentless. :evil: Will it ever end?
I'm gonna buy a kite :roll:
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Re: Will it ever end?????

Post by Alan »

I'm sorry to hear of your challenges with the weather Rich. The answer is in having 2 hobbies, one out doors when the weather is fine. The second is in doors when the weather is crap. That's why they invented the pub......... :)
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Alan Meaney
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Re: Will it ever end?????

Post by flynnt »

Looking at the forecast, the answer is no.
I learnt to fly during a still week in May 1896. Don't think the wind has dropped since then.
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Re: Will it ever end?????

Post by ivan-pik »

It's depressing. I have a new plane ready to fly, but I don't really want to go ahead with its maiden flight in such winds!

I am seriously thinking of slope soaring :) However I believe, once I would climb up some nice slope, the wind would turn the wrong way or dropped completely...
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Mike P
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Re: Will it ever end?????

Post by Mike P »

The wind is not the problem, if you want a bit of fun you need to fly something cheap but capable like an old Kadet with plenty of power and just get out there. The fact that the model is sacrificial lends itself to more confident flying less worry and more fun.
Mike P
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dancing alan
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Re: Will it ever end?????

Post by dancing alan »

I think Mike is right,this weather has a good chance of becoming more the norm.
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Re: Will it ever end?????

Post by tremelling »

Yes go for it. As long as you can stand up, you can fly.

Dave T
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