A great afternoon's flying, for me anyway... I arrived to find a 'Marie Celeste' deserted site, until a glance at the big tree told everything. See the Gallery for the story...
Anyway, as the wind dropped to zero, I had three flights with the Cargo Twin, which does fly perfectly in these conditions, and the first flight with the Turbo Raven. CG was still a bit far forward, and it flicked out of the loop, but otherwise was well behaved, although the power is just about right, not over-the-top as I'd thought it might be. All-up weight is now 8lbs of which 1lb is the 6s battery.
Tues March 4th
Re: Tues March 4th
Great picies as aways Ian and your model looking great , unlike poor Billy's bipe in the tree of shame
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The Devils in the detail
Re: Tues March 4th
Billy told me he has not had the ruhbarb stick in the same sentance as the tree incident, bit silly me thinks. Could be a silly billy .
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